Understanding Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and the Programmatic Advertising Revolution

Understanding Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and the Programmatic Advertising Revolution

Understanding Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and the Programmatic Advertising Revolution

Adam Latham

The Cowbell Agency

Programmatic advertising has revolutionized the way digital ads are bought and sold. Instead of manual negotiations and direct sales, programmatic advertising uses data, algorithms, AI, and automation to streamline the ad-buying process. It allows advertisers to target specific audiences, optimize campaigns in real time, and achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into programmatic advertising and explore how it enhances targeted advertising efforts.

What is Programmatic Advertising? 

Sometimes, the most fundamental or basic questions are the most difficult to answer. If you were to ask two different marketers you might get two different answers. Here’s the way I like to explain it. Let’s look at the different “functions” of advertising. There’s creating content and messaging, and then there’s delivering that content and messaging. Pretty basic concept. 

Now, we have DSPs, or Demand-Side Platforms that are asking for ads. They have demand, and they want that demand filled so they can get paid. They can be part of the Google display network, an independent website, an app, or a video news site, or…geez, this list could go on forever. Let’s just say they deliver content, even as far up the food chain as an entertainment provider like Hulu, Tubi, or Netflix. 

What happens very quickly is a transaction. And this happens constantly, 24 hours a day, and simultaneously. There’s no way any individual could see the request, read the request, and agree to the request. So what happens is you configure a campaign that is programmed to respond to these requests. That is why it is “programmatic.”

And just to confuse things even more, the content providers could never agree to these things in advance because they don’t know the parameters of the deal until that final variable is in place: YOU are watching the content. Each and every one of us merits a new negotiation.

This isn’t as complicated as you may think (or maybe it really is and I’m just so dived into this my perception of reality is altered). Let’s say individual A, who is a 65-year-old male who lives in a specific geographic area, is watching a college football broadcast on a Saturday afternoon. There may be a thousand different campaigns that want to show him ads as long as they don’t exceed $1.50 to show him. The demand goes out, the order is filled, and he is seeing ads. Now, let’s change that slightly. Individual B is watching the same exact broadcast from the same exact content provider and lives right next door to Individual A, but, this individual is a 35-year-old who owns a Porsche and has 7X the discretionary spend level of the average American. For this individual, the request goes out, and it finds that a company that makes Porsche-branded leather jackets is willing to pay up to $3 to show that person an ad. Guess what, the content provider finds, offers, gets acceptance and shows him this ad so that they double their money.

If you want to learn more about the many different ways we can target including geo-fencing, go to this link HERE

These offers and acceptances take place while you are waiting for commercials. This real-time bidding (RTB) is a key component of programmatic advertising. It enables ad inventory to be bought and sold in milliseconds through automated auctions. Advertisers can bid on ad impressions based on their targeting criteria, and the highest bidder gets their ad displayed to the desired audience. This dynamic bidding process ensures efficient allocation of ad spend and maximizes the potential reach of campaigns.

The “programs” that run these campaigns use a combination of Big Data and AI to keep these running in the background. They are called Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs). These software platforms provide advertisers with a centralized interface to set campaign parameters, target specific audiences, and optimize ad spend. DSPs integrate with ad exchanges and supply-side platforms (SSPs) to access ad inventory from multiple publishers, ensuring a wide reach for advertisers.

The capabilities offered by DSPs are diverse and powerful. Advertisers can leverage audience targeting features to define their ideal customer profile and deliver ads to the right individuals. Real-time bidding on ad exchanges enables them to bid for ad impressions based on predefined criteria, ensuring that their ads reach the most relevant audience.

Furthermore, DSPs offer ad creative management tools, campaign tracking features, and comprehensive reporting capabilities. These functionalities enable advertisers to monitor campaign performance, make data-driven optimizations, and gain valuable insights into their ad campaigns’ effectiveness.

That’s how I describe the whole thing, acronyms and jargon included at no extra cost.  But if you’re the type of person who likes the Wikipedia sort of way of answering that question of “what is programmatic advertising”  it might read:

“Programmatic advertising empowers advertisers to leverage sophisticated targeting options to reach their desired audience segments. By utilizing demographic information, browsing behavior, location, and interests, advertisers can tailor their ad campaigns to specific audiences. This level of precision targeting ensures that ads are shown to the right people, at the right time, and in the right context.”

That actually wasn’t as painful as I thought. 


Programmatic advertising, facilitated by Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs), has transformed the digital advertising landscape. It offers advertisers greater efficiency, precision targeting, and real-time optimization capabilities. Through programmatic advertising, businesses can reach their target audiences more effectively, improve campaign performance, and achieve a better return on investment (ROI).

DSPs play a critical role in programmatic advertising by providing advertisers with the tools and infrastructure to manage and optimize their ad campaigns. These platforms enable advertisers to leverage data-driven insights, reach the right audience at the right time, and make informed decisions to drive their digital advertising success.

As the digital advertising industry continues to evolve, programmatic advertising and DSPs will remain key components in the arsenal of advertisers seeking to maximize their online advertising efforts. By harnessing the power of programmatic advertising and utilizing DSPs effectively, businesses can elevate their digital advertising strategies and achieve their marketing goals. Embracing programmatic advertising opens up a world of opportunities for targeted advertising, enabling businesses to connect with their audience in a more precise and impactful manner.

Protect yourself from online brute-force attacks

Protect yourself from online brute-force attacks

Protect yourself from online brute-force attacks

Owen Yorio

The Cowbell Agency

If you own a website, or have used any type of online account before, you may be familiar with a brute-force attack. If you are unaware, a brute force attack is a common way hackers or malicious sources could try to access your sensitive information. Essentially, nefarious code is executed that attempts hundreds of passwords a second in an attempt to gain access to locked content. There are a few simple ways to protect a website or user from these types of attacks, we’ll go through two of those now.

Good Password Management

The most simple way is to be diligent with your passwords. If your password was created with extra symbols, numbers, and cases, that greatly increases the time it would take for a program to brute force into. There’s a cool website that proves this point with simple math, https://www.passwordmonster.com/. This tool shows how long it would take for a brute-force attack to break a password. Let’s try an easy password, “tomorrow.”

According to this tool, it would take less than a second for a brute-force attack to crack this password, notably because it is an actual word, with no special characters, numbers, symbols, or case changes. Now, let’s try to make this password a bit more secure by trying a different approach.

In doing this, we’ve made our password virtually impossible to break. No need to worry about a brute force attack anymore! This number is astounding by the way, 4 thousand trillion (sextillion) years works out to about 289 billion times longer than the universe has existed for. There are other tools to use that can help you manage complex passwords like this as well, Google Chrome has some built right in.

Lock account after too many login attempts

Most people have encountered this measure before, almost all sites enforce this one by default, others may not. Nearly all websites you could have an account with use this function to protect you, not just to frustrate you when you’ve forgotten your password. So why shouldn’t you use it on your own website if you’re not already?

If you need any help with website security, give us a call or contact us here on the site!

Take more advantage of Google My Business

Take more advantage of Google My Business

Take more advantage of Google My Business

Owen Yorio

The Cowbell Agency

Google My Business (GMB) is a crucial element to your online presence. With a proper account, you are eligible for all of the advantages the platform offers. So as a start, make sure you claim your business. If you’ve been operating your business without creating a GMB profile, there’s a good chance Google has automatically created a shell of one for you already. This does make it easier for potential customers to find your business, but it doesn’t come with all of the bells and whistles that can optimize traffic to your business or website. Simply search for your business on Google, if a widget displays on the side with your information, you can claim the business (there should be a button). If you do not, you’ll have to navigate to the Google My Business homepage and set up your profile there.

Once you’ve claimed/set up your business (it should guide you through some relatively easy steps to do so), you can begin adding additional information. You’ll want to take the time to do this if you want to get the most out of GMB. You should see a tab on the left displaying different sections of your GMB profile:

All of these are important to most businesses, except for Products and Website, and we’ll get to those in a bit. Let’s go over these in order:


This is your dashboard, it displays broad information at a glance, and allows you to monitor aspects of your business while giving you various alerts.


This section allows you to create content for your GMB page, like COVID info, offers, updates, events, and products. It is useful to keep updating in this section as our business changes. Google likes to reward sites that keep their GMB page up to date with posts that reflect what your business is actually up to.


In this section you can change information about your business, things like hours and social links. You probably won’t be in this section too often after you create your GMB profile, but it is important to make sure you fill out as much information as possible here, so potential customers know enough about your business to make a decision on it.


This is a great place to get information on the visitors of your GMB page and people who call directly from GMB.


This section compiles all of your reviews, and allows you to respond to them. One of the most important tips we can give is to reply to all reviews, good and bad. Potential customers can see all of these reviews as well as your responses to them. If you don’t respond to reviews, it gives the impression that you don’t care about your customers. A simple “We appreciate your kind review! Thanks for doing business with us!” or a “We’re sorry we didn’t serve you to the best of our ability, we hope to make this up to you the next time you visit!” can go a long way. Obviously, you’d want to make it more personalized than that, but generally a response is better than no response. 


This is a new offering of GMB, so it isn’t as fleshed out as other functions. But if you set it up, it’s helpful to have call history information to track.


Once this option is activated, customers can message your business directly through GMB, a helpful offering.


The photos of your business is one of the first things people will see when they come across your GMB page, so give them something nice to look at! Interior and exterior shots to give them a good sense of the space. It’s also helpful to keep this relatively up to date.


This area allows you to upload product information, allowing people to see what you offer right on Google. If you offer any type of product, this is a great option for you, but as we said earlier, this doesn’t apply to all businesses.


If you offer services, this area is extremely important. You want to display what you can do to potential customers as soon as possible, so make sure this section is as up to date and accurate as possible. This also helps Google index your website and GMB profile, and offer it to people who are searching for your services.


If you’d like a barebones website, this section allows you to make one through GMB. We don’t recommend this, as the sites that come out of this have no personality or much in terms of functionality or style.


The last option here is to add other Google users to have permissions on this GMB page. Helpful if you’d like other team members to help you out in creating or monitoring your business information. 

It is important to keep all of your pertinent business information up to date and accurate on Google My Business, as it helps you and potential customers. Don’t put it off as a waste of time, because you could lose out on business, it’s worth the time to set it up and update it. If you need any help setting up an optimized GMB profile, let us know by giving us a call or commenting!

Domain Extensions: Looking Beyond .COM

Domain Extensions: Looking Beyond .COM

Domain Extensions: Looking Beyond .COM

Suzanne McBride

The Cowbell Agency

This month, our agency begins the celebration of its 20-year anniversary. Since late August 2001, this award-winning agency has evolved from U.S.Ad & Marketing to McBride Woodbridge Marketing to McBride Marketing Group and finally Cowbell Agency. Looking back at 2001, the internet was relatively young and .com and .net ruled the domain names. Today, things are different.

Most everyone knows what a domain is, but what about Domain Extensions?  A domain extension is the suffix at the end of your web address that specifies an internet category and/or the country code of the location the domain is from. We’re all familiar with .com, .net and .gov, but did you know there are over 280 extensions delegated globally?

First, let’s look at how they are categorized. They are divided into 2 main categories:

Why are Domain Extensions important to your business?

People associate certain things with different domain extensions, for example, whether the website seems trustworthy (for example “.gov” for government) or even modern (for example “mobi” – for mobile).  And they do it unconsciously. It also becomes part of your branding so you need to choose wisely when registering.


What happens if the domain/extension is not available to you?

If you are frustrated that the domain name you want is already taken, try looking into another domain extensions. Here are a few extensions and their meaning:

.museum (museums)

.pro (professionals like legal, medical)

.name (individuals)

.club (club)

.life (wellness, charities, bloggers)

.xyz (means “little universe” – a new trendy extension , and easy to remember!)

.tel (online directory, virtual business cards)

.travel (travel industry)

.store (store)


And if you have more than one domain, they can be forwarded to one main domain. So have some fun with it. 

How You Can Use PageSpeed Insights To Optimize Your Website

How You Can Use PageSpeed Insights To Optimize Your Website

How You Can Use PageSpeed Insights To Optimize Your Website

Owen Yorio

The Cowbell Agency

Last month, Google released an update to their ranking algorithm that puts a larger emphasis on page speed and UX (User Experience). The results of this update are hard to calculate, and it is still too early to see exactly how damaging it is to have a poorly optimized site, at least in regards to page rank. A poorly loading site, however, has always been a major issue to have. The average person won’t wait on a page for longer than 5 seconds to see your content, regardless of how Google decides to rank your page. So, if you don’t already, you should know how to use Google’s website speed tool, PageSpeed Insights.

If you read the article we released last month, you’d know about the three main factors that contribute to Google’s new ranking system, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These aren’t the only things you should keep in mind when running your page through PageSpeed Insights, but they are the main three. 

Simply enter your domain into the “analyze” bar to begin.

PageSpeed Insights will give you an overall speed rating first, going into more detail below. This is an average of your scores over the main three categories mentioned earlier as well as First Contentful Paint (FCP). This is a measure of when the first image/text is shown on your page. This metric is more meaningful in diagnosing issues than it is for page rank, however, it is still a factor.

Note that this tool will give you the speed rating for your mobile site first, you can switch between site versions with the toggle in the upper left.

After analyzing your overall page speed score, you can review the elements on your site causing speed and user experience issues. You can even filter these problems by how they affect your site, in the top right corner. You can then begin to start optimizing your site, by removing loading issues bit by bit!

Overall, the PageSpeed Insights tool is incredibly useful. Google has provided a way to see behind the curtain, and allow its users to see and do exactly what they are asking of us. These issues can stem from many different things, as websites tend to be complex machines. If you are in need of a web speed touch-up, let us know here at the Cowbell Agency, and we can have your page loading in no time.

Is your website under attack (or can it be?)

Is your website under attack (or can it be?)

Is your website under attack (or can it be?)

Suzanne McBride

The Cowbell Agency

Is your website under attack (or can it be?)

The average website is Cyber Attacked 44 times per day!

With the recent cyber-attacks fresh on everyone’s minds, now is a good time to think about the security of your website. Hackers are far more sophisticated, automated and organized these days. They root out vulnerabilities in web servers and share them with the expanding hacker universe. What’s worse is that hacked websites can be blacklisted by Google as dangerous and go dark with online searches. To battle this, we offer a couple of services that can help ease your mind.

First, you have an SSL on your site. Perfect! But that’s the minimum that should be done. But what else can be done?

Monthly Website Maintenance:

Cowbell Agency will perform monthly maintenance on your site, such as keeping plugins updated, scan for malware, performance tests, site backups, among other services. Outdated plugins can not only bring your site down, but worse–make it vulnerable for cyber-attacks.  Almost 2/3’s of WordPress website vulnerabilities are caused by out of date or sketchy plugins/themes. Remember, just like you take your car in for maintenance, websites require the same love and attention as your car. 

Security/Firewall Protection

We work with GoDaddy with their Website Security Program. The firewall blocks attacks on the site while the malware scanner searches your site for malicious content and alerts you if any are found.

Contact us if you are interested in a quote or have any questions.

[email protected]

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