The Brave New World of Programmatic Targeting

The Brave New World of Programmatic Targeting

The Brave New World of Programmatic Targeting


Adam Latham

The Cowbell Agency

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, the ability to precisely target audiences has made digital and even television advertising far more efficient and effective. Programmatic Advertising has revolutionized this space, allowing advertisers to reach potential customers with unprecedented accuracy. This blog will explore the various ways we can leverage different types of data to optimize audience targeting in digital advertising campaigns.

First-Party Demographic Data

First-party data, collected directly from your audience, provides invaluable insights into who your customers are. This data includes age, gender, income, education level, and more. But that really only scratches the surface of the demographic data we can now leverage. There are more than a thousand different data points, from types of cars, roof type, size of garage, swimming pool, age of home, residency length, equity in homes, credit ratings, levels of expendable income, hobbies and interests, occupations, and job titles. By analyzing this information, advertisers can create highly personalized campaigns that resonate with specific demographic groups.

Third-Party Behavioral Data

Third-party data providers offer behavioral data that tracks users’ online activities, such as their browsing history, past purchases, and interests. This data enables advertisers to target users based on their demonstrated behaviors and interests. For instance, if a user frequently visits websites related to fitness and wellness, they can be targeted with ads for health supplements or gym memberships. But again, it goes much deeper than that. Let’s say you have an ecommerce site that sells sporting equipment. Instead of sending ads to everyone with an interest in sporting equipment, you could limit it to only those who have previously purchased sporting equipment online. 


Geo-fencing is a powerful tool that allows advertisers to target audiences based on their physical location. By setting up virtual boundaries around specific geographic areas, advertisers can deliver ads to users within those boundaries. This technique is particularly useful for local businesses or events. For example, a campaign could target users attending a music festival or a sporting event by setting up a geo-fence around the venue.

Keyword Contextual Data

Keyword contextual targeting involves displaying ads on web pages that contain specific keywords relevant to the advertiser’s product or service. This method ensures that the ads are shown to users who are likely interested in the content they are viewing. For example, an outdoor gear retailer could target ads on pages discussing hiking or camping.

Online Behavior

Analyzing online behavior, such as search queries, social media interactions, and website visits, allows advertisers to understand users’ interests and intent. This data can be used to create more relevant ad experiences. For example, if a user frequently searches for travel destinations, they could be targeted with ads for flights or hotel deals.

Case Study: The Cowbell Agency’s Campaign for the Orange County Drug Free Coalition

At The Cowbell Agency, we recently executed a highly targeted campaign in collaboration with We Are Kymera, an Orlando-based agency, for the Orange County Drug-Free Coalition. The goal of this campaign was to reach an at-risk audience of young adults with a strong, impactful message.

To achieve this, we employed a multi-layered targeting strategy that combined several advanced techniques:

  • Demographic Targeting: We focused on middle to high-income communities where young adults are present in the home, ensuring that our message reached the right demographic.
  • Geo-Fencing: We set up geo-fences around locations frequented by our target audience, such as concerts, nightclubs, and university campuses. Additionally, we employed a unique approach by geo-fencing specific urban areas and parks during late evening and early morning hours. Again, the goal here is two-fold: 1) find your audience, and 2) increase the cost-efficiency by eliminating waste. If we geo-fenced the downtown areas all day, we would put hundreds of thousands of individuals into the audience.

This comprehensive targeting strategy allowed us to deliver over a million ad impressions to the at-risk audience with minimal wasted exposure.

Multi-Channel Saturation

To maximize the reach and impact of our campaign, we utilized a multi-channel approach, saturating various platforms and devices with our message. 
Although we didn’t use all platforms in this program yet, when we say “multi-channel saturation” we mean it. Our channels we can deliver Programmatic Advertising into include: 
  • Connected Streaming Television (CTV)
  • Mobile Device Streaming Television (OTT)
  • Device Channels for Mobile Phones and Tablets
  • Website Pre-Roll Video Ads
  • In-App Video and Display Ads
  • In-Browser Display Ads
By leveraging an expansive advertising network, including but not limited to the Google Display Network, we ensured that our ads reach your target audience wherever they are active online.


These advanced targeting techniques utilized in this campaign can also be applied to a wide range of businesses looking to improve their brand awareness and exposure. By employing a well-rounded strategy that includes first-party demographic data, third-party behavioral data, geo-fencing, keyword contextual data, and online behavior analysis, businesses can effectively reach their desired audience with minimal wasted impressions. At The Cowbell Agency, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their advertising goals through innovative and data-driven strategies.
Do you have a 5-star online reputation?

Do you have a 5-star online reputation?

Do you have a 5-Star Reputation?

Get the reviews you’ve been missing with our Reputation Boss Platform…like our client did! 


Shelley Gulley

The Cowbell Agency

Boost Your Business with 5-Star Google Reviews

In today’s digital age, online reviews wield immense power in shaping consumers’ perceptions and influencing their purchasing decisions. We rely on reviews to guide many of our decisions — movie reviews, job candidate references, music album reviews, product ratings, etc. The list goes on and on. And businesses are no exception. 

Here are some more important stats from our surveys you should know about:

  • 68% of the time, consumers research a local business before making a purchase.
  • 93% of consumers read two or more reviews when researching a company.
  • 54% of customers leave a positive online review after a good experience with a local business.
  • After reading a negative review, 85% of consumers avoid selecting a multi-location business.
  • 38% of customers leave a negative online review after a bad experience.

Positive reviews can serve as powerful endorsements, attracting new customers and bolstering your business’s reputation. That’s where review generation and management come into play. 

Review Generation 

Review generation is the proactive process of soliciting feedback from customers, aiming to accumulate a steady stream of positive reviews for your business on platforms like Google. Historically, since most people have typically written reviews when they have not been satisfied, this system allows for a better balance of review responses by reminding satisfied customers to participate with their feedback as well. Once the system has generated the reviews, then review management strategies are implemented for effectively monitoring, responding to, and promoting reviews to optimize their impact on your business’s success. 

In the example below, we will explore the strategies we used to help generate and manage our client’s 5-star reviews on Google, which helped them leverage and enhance their brand’s online presence, attract more customers, and drive business growth. 

As you can see from the timeline graph below, the volume of their review began increasing in May 2023, as the Reputation Boss Platform was utilized to drive Review Requests, which in turn impacted their ratings.

What was the result?


Feb 202327 Reviews 4.9 Star Rating

Jan 2024 432 Reviews, 5.0 Star Rating.

4-Steps to Building a Comprehensive Review Management Strategy 

To effectively manage reviews and harness their potential benefits, you need a robust review management strategy.

1. Review Generation: A proactive approach to generating reviews will help increase review frequency. Consider sending your customers a review request via both text and/or email following appointments or any time they make a purchase.  With our Reputation Boss platform, we were able to automate this Review Request process for our client by connecting to their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, with built-in triggers to send reviews to customers as soon as their process was completed.

2. Review Monitoring:  Practicing review monitoring helps you keep track of your reviews, whether they come from your own Google Business Profile or any of the numerous review sites online. Here are just a few benefits our client was able to benefit from.

a) Real-time Feedback: Review monitoring provides businesses with real-time insights into customer opinions and experiences, which they can promptly identify both positive and negative feedback, allowing them to address issues and capitalize on positive feedback promptly.

b) Enhanced Brand Reputation:. By actively engaging with customers, addressing their concerns, and showcasing positive feedback, businesses can enhance their brand reputation and credibility, fostering trust and loyalty among customers.

c) SEO Benefits: Reviews play a crucial role in local search engine optimization (SEO). Positive reviews signal to search engines that a business is reputable and trustworthy, making it more likely to appear prominently in search results for relevant keywords.

3. Automated Review Responses: Automated review responses offer businesses the benefits of timely acknowledgment, consistency, efficiency, and scalability in managing their online reputation. By automating the response process, businesses can ensure that customers receive prompt and standardized acknowledgments of their feedback while maintaining control over brand voice and messaging.

4. Sharing Reviews & Social Proof: Customer reviews help build social proof. They show that real people have purchased your company’s products or services. It instills a sense of trust in your brand, especially when you can automate sharing 5-star reviews on your Social Media Platforms. 

In conclusion, mastering review generation and management is essential for businesses looking to enhance their online reputation and attract more customers. By implementing effective strategies for generating 5-star Google reviews and managing them strategically, you can establish your brand as a trusted industry leader and drive business growth in the digital marketplace. 

Are you ready to grow your online reputation? 

Contact Cowbell Agency today at (321) 259-1795 and ask about our Reputation Boss Platform!




Season’s Grazings ~ 12 Days of Merry Marketing Tips

Season’s Grazings ~ 12 Days of Merry Marketing Tips

Season’s Grazings ~ 12 Days of Merry Marketing Tips

Shelley Gulley

The Cowbell Agency

In the spirit of the season, we present to you “The 12 Days of Merry Marketing Tips,” a festive journey through the digital wonderland where creativity and strategy converge to spread holiday cheer. So, buckle up, as we guide you through the realm of digital marketing, bringing joy to your audience and success to your brand.

It’s Udderly Amazing!

Day 1: Sleigh Your Social Media Strategy

Kick off your holiday marketing with a comprehensive social media plan. Schedule festive posts, engage with your audience, and leverage holiday hashtags to increase visibility.

Day 2: Jingle Bells – Optimize Your Website’s Speed

Ensure your website loads quickly to prevent user frustration. A fast website not only improves user experience but also positively impacts search engine rankings.

Day 3: Santa’s List – Email Segmentation

Segment your email list based on customer behavior, preferences, and demographics. This allows you to send targeted and personalized holiday messages, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Day 4: Rudolph’s Remarketing “Retargeting Magic”

Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage with users who have previously visited your website. Create customized ads to remind them of holiday deals and offerings through “retargeting”.

Day 5: Sleigh-Ride through Video Marketing 

Leverage the power of video content during the holidays. Create engaging and shareable videos that showcase your products, share holiday stories, or offer exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Day 6: Snowy SEO Strategies

Optimize your website for holiday-related keywords. Incorporate festive keywords into your content, meta tags, and product descriptions to improve your search engine visibility during the holiday season.

Day 7: Stocking Stuffers – Create Limited-Time Offers

Boost urgency and sales by introducing limited-time offers. Whether it’s a discount, bundle, or exclusive deal, make your audience feel the excitement of grabbing a special holiday deal.

Day 8: Sip on Festive Content Marketing

Craft holiday-themed content that resonates with your audience. Share heartwarming stories, create gift guides, and tailor your content to evoke the holiday spirit, fostering a deeper connection with your brand.

Day 9: Frosty Landing Pages

Optimize your landing pages for holiday campaigns. Ensure they are visually appealing, provide clear information about your promotions, and have compelling calls-to-action to drive conversions.

Day 10: North Star – Influencer Collaborations

Partner with influencers who align with your brand. Their authentic promotion of your holiday offerings can reach a broader audience and build trust with potential customers.

Day 11: Tinsel-Touched Email Subject Lines

Craft attention-grabbing and festive email subject lines. Make your emails stand out in crowded inboxes by incorporating holiday-themed language that entices recipients to open and engage.

Day 12: Sleigh Full of Data – Analytics Review 

After the holiday rush, analyze your campaign performance. Evaluate what worked well and areas for improvement. Use these insights to refine your strategies for the upcoming year.


Is Your Healthcare Reputation on the Line?

Is Your Healthcare Reputation on the Line?

Is your Healthcare Reputation on the line?

Shelley Gulley

The Cowbell Agency

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, maintaining a positive online reputation is not just essential—it’s mission-critical. The digital era has empowered patients to actively engage with healthcare providers, shaping opinions and decisions based on online reviews and experiences.

At The Cowbell Agency, we recognize the critical role reputation plays in the healthcare landscape and offer the industry’s leading reputation management platform. Our commitment extends beyond garnering reviews; we aim to help healthcare providers connect with more patients, drive revenue, and ensure compliance with the stringent standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

The Cowbell Advantage: Navigating Compliance with Confidence


1. Compliant Technology

Our commitment to safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI) and electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) is unwavering. The Cowbell Agency employs a secure system where all data, including PHI and ePHI, is transferred through direct encrypted CRM integration or dedicated, end-to-end encrypted email channels. This meticulous approach guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of patient information.

2. Internal Processes and Controls

Recognizing the importance of robust internal processes and controls, The Cowbell Agency boasts a dedicated HIPAA Compliance Officer and meticulously documented processes. This ensures that every facet of our operations aligns with healthcare regulations, providing our clients with peace of mind regarding compliance.

3. Trained Certified Staff

Only HIPAA Business Associate Certified professionals at The Cowbell Agency handle PHI, ensuring that our team is well-versed in the intricacies of healthcare data security. This certification minimizes the risk of breaches and legal complications, preserving the reputation and trust of our clients.

4. Direct CRM Integration for HIPAA Safety

Our distinctive advantage lies in the direct integration with most medical CRMs. This not only enhances security and compliance but also streamlines data access and management, contributing to improved efficiency, decision-making, and patient satisfaction.

HIPAA Compliance Review + Soliciting Management System 

Our HIPAA-compliant review and soliciting management system prioritizes the privacy of patient reviews while enabling healthcare providers to gather valuable feedback for improved services and patient experiences. This streamlined process ensures compliance with healthcare privacy regulations, building trust with patients and mitigating the risk of legal issues.

Encrypted Email End-to-End Specifically for Shared ePHI

Our system ensures the utmost privacy and security of sensitive patient data during transmission through end-to-end encrypted emails. This not only maintains HIPAA compliance but also fosters trust among patients and healthcare professionals, contributing to a more secure and reliable healthcare ecosystem.

Encrypted Server for Storing HIPAA PHI

Using an encrypted server for storing HIPAA-protected PHI provides a critical layer of data security. This safeguard ensures that sensitive patient information is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches, maintaining the highest level of compliance with HIPAA regulations. The result is enhanced patient trust, minimized legal risks, and a fortified foundation for safe and confidential healthcare data management.

Choose The Cowbell Agency for a secure, compliant, and effective approach to healthcare reputation management. Our proven record of compliance and dedicated team of HIPAA-certified associates make us your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of healthcare data security and regulatory adherence.

Are you fully utilizing the Power of Online Reviews?

Are you fully utilizing the Power of Online Reviews?

Are you fully utilizing the Power of Online Reviews?

Shelley Gulley

The Cowbell Agency

When you think about the last time you needed to make a purchase – how did you go about researching your options? I’ll bet you probably consulting online reviews BEFORE making your decision. Did you know Online reviews are the 1st place consumers look when they begin their consumer journey?  In fact, 72% of customers won’t take action until they read reviews (1). That’s powerful. 

Gone are the days when consumers relied solely on recommendations from friends and family to inform their buying decisions. While personal referrals still hold sway, consumers have a world of information at their fingertips, and they’re no longer simply relying on catchy advertisements or persuasive sales pitches to guide their purchasing choices. Instead, they’re turning to a more reliable source: online reviews. 

Since the pandemic, the importance of online reviews for businesses has skyrocketed even more, reshaping the way companies engage with their customers and ultimately influencing their success.  Today, online reviews offer a glimpse into real-life experiences, shedding light on both the positives and negatives of a product or service. This transparency helps consumers’ confidence in making informed decisions.

Who do you trust? 

Trust is a cornerstone of any successful business-customer relationship. Reviews are the new “Digital Word-of-Mouth”, and the biggest deciding factor when consumers are choosing products or services. Companies, in a sense,  have lost control of their brands with the freedom of the internet and social media. Customers are NOW in control. Customer perception IS your Brand. 

In the digital age, trust takes on a new form: Online Reputation. Reviews, ratings, and testimonials serve as a litmus test for the authenticity and reliability of a business. 

Businesses that want to succeed in our digital age of Review Reputation Management will stay focused on consistently delivering quality and prioritize positive customer experiences, which will in turn be rewarded with higher review scores, higher quantity of reviews, and therefore. increased sales.

SEO and Visibility

The impact of online reviews transcends the realm of consumer decision-making. Search engines, recognizing the value of user-generated content, factor reviews into their algorithms. Positive reviews can significantly enhance a business’s search engine ranking, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic. This interplay between reviews and search engine optimization (SEO) highlights the symbiotic relationship between customer feedback and online presence.

Building a Feedback Loop

Businesses that actively engage with their customers’ reviews demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. Responding to reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, fosters a sense of community and customer loyalty. It also provides a platform for businesses to address concerns, offer solutions, and showcase their dedication to enhancing the customer experience. By utilizing reviews as a feedback loop, businesses can adapt and evolve to meet their customers’ evolving needs.

Improving your Online Reputation with Cowbell’s Reputation & Review “Boss” Management Platform

A great example of the power of Reputation & Review Management came in March 2023, when one of our clients was looking for a way to improve their search engine performance (SEO). Google’s new algorithm places much more importance on total reviews, frequency of reviews, and review scores than ever before.  

While they were receiving some Google reviews, the quantity was very low compared to the volume of client interactions they have on a daily basis. They were MISSING OUT! Connecting their Customer Relationship Management system to our Reputation Boss Platform allowed for time-saving automation for review requests through email and SMS messaging which dramatically increased their volume and rating experience.  

Instead of receiving an average of 40 reviews monthly as of March, they were projected to hit 286 reviews monthly by August 2023 while sustaining a 4.9 Rating. 

That’s a 615% increase in just 5 months! 

All this increased review activity is just one of the pieces of the SEO puzzle that helped them go from 24 keywords in the top 10 results for Google search to 240 just 6 months later. That is a 10 fold increase. 

We are able to offer our clients a proprietary portal that allows you to solicit your customers for reviews, and automate a process that promotes the positive reviews over the lower reviews. In other words, you develop a proactive, disciplined approach as opposed to sitting back and letting it just…well…happen. 

Get more reviews – This allows you to instill a proactive and disciplined approach to improving your online reputation

Manage your brand reputation – Control critical review sites and search engines including Google, Bing, Yelp, and Facebook.

Monitor and track your customer feedback – The dashboard provides analytics and trend metrics on review scores

Increase your online reputation review score – Encourages more 5- and 4-star reviews online which raises your average and moves lesser scores further down the page.

Navigating the Landscape

In the dynamic world of 2023, businesses must navigate the online review landscape strategically. Monitoring various review platforms, encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews, and promptly addressing negative feedback are crucial components of this strategy. Businesses should also prioritize delivering consistent quality and exceptional customer service, as these are the bedrock of positive reviews.

As consumers continue to consult online reviews before making purchasing decisions in 2023, the importance of these reviews for businesses cannot be overstated. The digital age has ushered in an era of informed consumers who rely on the collective wisdom of their peers to guide their choices. 

Embracing the power of online reviews, businesses can build trust, strengthen their online presence, and forge lasting relationships with their customers. In this landscape, reviews are not just feedback; they’re the currency of credibility and the key to unlocking business success.

If you are ready to take charge of your Business’s online reputation and reviews, Contact us today.  Learn more about Cowbell’s reputation management

Reference:  (1) The 2022 State of Online Reviews Birdeye.

Unlocking the Power of Targeted Advertising

Unlocking the Power of Targeted Advertising

Unlocking the Power of Targeted Advertising

Adam Latham

The Cowbell Agency

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, businesses are constantly seeking ways to maximize their return on investment and reach the most receptive audience. The key to achieving this lies in identifying and targeting the right audience – individuals who are most likely to become customers. By focusing their efforts and budget on engaging with this specific group, advertisers can enjoy significant cost savings. In this blog post, we will explore the different methods of identifying the right audience and how it ties into the effectiveness of a DSP or programmatic advertising model.

(Even before we get too deep into this, I realize I have already introduced some jargon or acronyms that people who don’t speak advertising geek might not understand. If you want to better understand exactly what DSP or programmatic advertising is you can refer to HERE

Identifying and Targeting the Right Audience

To effectively reach the right audience, advertisers have access to a wealth of data-driven insights that help them understand consumer behavior and preferences. Now, some of you right now are repulsed by the notion advertisers have access to this data. But get over it. We do. Take your consumer hat off for just a moment, please your business owner or advertiser hat on, and just embrace the many different ways we can target. 

Personal Demographic Information:

Understanding the demographics of potential customers is crucial. This includes factors such as age, gender, marital status, education level, income, home value, and even specific details like car make and model. By analyzing these demographic attributes, advertisers can tailor their messaging to specific subsets of the population that are most likely to be interested in their products or services.

In fact, trying to prepare a list or spreadsheet of ALL of the different levels of demographic data is virtually impossible. The depth of different attributes changes and evolves from day to day, and the true beauty is when you combine different attributes, which can provide an almost infinite list of possibilities. If that sounds like an exaggeration, imagine if you will for an advertiser who might make branded accessories for people who own Jaguars. Imagine the ability to deliver everything from online display ads to actual television ads, during the most popular streaming television show, but only paying to deliver that ad to people watching who a) own a Porsche, b) have an online behavior history purchasing similar items, and even has 5X to 7X the average discretionary income. 

Gone are the days of paying to deliver ads to people who don’t want, need, or can’t afford your product or service.

Online Behavior:

Online behavior provides valuable insights into consumer interests and habits. Keyword search analysis allows advertisers to identify individuals who are actively searching for products or services similar to what they offer. Contextual content viewed allows targeting based on the type of content users are consuming, ensuring that ads are relevant to their interests. Moreover, analyzing the types or categories of websites visited provides valuable information for advertisers to determine the online preferences and align their ads accordingly. 

Previous Purchasing Behavior and Habits:

Studying customers’ past purchasing behavior and habits helps businesses identify potential customers with similar characteristics. By analyzing previous purchase history, brands can create lookalike audiences – individuals who exhibit similar behaviors and preferences to their existing customers. This approach enables advertisers to target prospects who are more likely to convert, thus optimizing their marketing efforts.

Geographic Location:

Geographic location plays a pivotal role in targeting the right audience. Advertisers can narrow their focus to specific regions, cities, or neighborhoods by leveraging geographic location data. This allows them to tailor their messaging to local audiences who are more likely to be interested in their offerings due to their proximity to the business location.

Event or Business Geo-fencing:

Event or business geo-fencing is a powerful technique that enables advertisers to target individuals in specific physical locations. By setting up virtual boundaries around events, trade shows, retail stores, or competitor locations, advertisers can deliver relevant ads to individuals who enter or exit these boundaries. This approach allows businesses to engage with potential customers who are physically present at specific locations or have shown interest in similar events or businesses.

The Role of DSPs and Programmatic Advertising

Here’s where all this comes together. After you identify your ideal target audience, you want to be able to reach them. This is where Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and programmatic advertising play a crucial role in efficiently doing that. When we say “demand-side” what we are talking about are these opportunities when when websites, video providers, social media platforms, and yes, even streaming TV content providers, are asking for ads to serve up. If you watch any streaming television (and there are more of you than cable watchers now), it happens very fast. The show is pausing for a commercial and that little wheel in the corner of your screen is spinning. A few seconds later, it tells you how many minutes of commercials it is going to show you. In those few seconds, the AI in the background found ads specifically targeted to you. Cool, uh? Well, I think it’s cool. Some people find it scary. But for the life of me, if I have to be served up two minutes of ads, I can’t understand why it is better to see an ad meant for a 17-year old, female, who is actively downloading boy band tunes. Why not see ads for things I actually might want to buy. And yes, I get how that gives us marketers a lot of power. Again, embrace it and take advantage of it. 

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